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5 Things You Need To Know About Sebaceous Hyperplasia

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Sebaceous hyperplasia is a skin condition often found in older adults. It involves the over-production of oil that builds up in pores and creates a firm bump beneath a layer of skin. If you think you have sebaceous hyperplasia, it is important that you educate yourself about the condition and your treatment options. Below are five things that you should know about it.  

It Is a Common Skin Condition 

If you think you may have sebaceous hyperplasia or have recently been diagnosed with it, you are not alone. Roughly 1% of the healthy U.S. population is reported to have sebaceous hyperplasia while around 10-16% of patients with long-term immune suppression have this condition. While it usually begins to appear when a person is in their 50's or 60's, you may experience it earlier. 

It Does Not Have a Negative Health Impact 

Although sebaceous hyperplasia may be unsightly, it is not usually a call for medical concern. It is not cancerous and does not indicate the possibility of skin cancer. In many ways, it is similar to mild acne, in that it does not have any negative health consequences. However, it is common to want to get the small bumps formed by sebaceous hyperplasia removed or minimized in order to have smooth, young-looking skin. 

It Cannot Be Cured, But Its Impact Can Be Reduced 

Once sebaceous hyperplasia begins to appear on your skin, it is likely that it will continue to appear for the rest of your life. Certain treatments, such as surgical removal, can prevent a second lump from forming in the same place on your skin, but it is a strong possibility that bumps will continue to form around that area or in other areas. 

However, there are many treatments that can minimize the appearance of bumps, reduce the number of bumps that appear, or remove the bumps once they have formed. It is important to note that for lasting results, these treatments will need to be continued, so you should choose a treatment option that you can implement regularly. For example, if cost is a concern, you may want to look into home treatments. However, if smooth skin is your biggest concern, you may want to discuss regular removal with your dermatologist. 

Home Remedies May Help 

For mild sebaceous hyperplasia, you may be able to treat the bumps with home remedies. For example, applying vinegar, peppermint, or lemon oil directly to the affected area can reduce the appearance of sebaceous hyperplasia. These treatments are usually most effective if you begin them as soon as you notice bumps beginning to form and continue them until the bumps have faded. 

While home remedies may work for you, it is still important that you go to a dermatologist first to get your bumps properly diagnosed. It is important that you are actually treating sebaceous hyperplasia and that you do not have a more serious skin growth. 

You Have Several Professional Treatment Options 

If home treatments do not work for you, there are several professional treatments that you can try. For example, you may get a professional facial peel or have the lesions removed with an electric needle, or photodynamic therapy. In more extreme cases, your dermatologist may offer surgical removal of the bumps. To help reduce the formation of more bumps, your dermatologist may recommend a strict skincare routine along with medication to help reduce your production of testosterone. 

Because there are many options available, it is important to discuss your primary goals for treatment with your dermatologist and determine a treatment plan that you can afford and implement on a regular basis. For more information, contact a practice like the Center Of Dermatology PC/Herschel E Stoller MD
